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My name is Mozhgan Gerayeli – Career and Mindset Coach, born and raised in Iran. I arrived in Denmark at the age of 21 in 1986. 

My education includes: SW Engineering, Leadership, NLP Master, ICC Coaching, and Mindfulness Instruction.

After 20 years of experience as a leader and engineer, I suffered from stress and chose to say goodbye to corporate life. When I recovered, I chose to take a social and societal responsibility and do something about a societal problem, namely to help academics who cannot find their way into a job within their education. And it has been a fantastic journey.

Change alchemist and (career) kickstarter. SO THE JOURNEY BEGINS HERE! 


Rewards And Recognition

As first woman in Denmark Mozhgan Received
“Søster-Sind Award”

As first foreigner Mozhgan received the Engineering Award /
Agnes and Betzy Award